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By Jimbo portfolio page

Who is Jimbo?

You’ll know him as Jim Tipler, one of the Directors of Hailsham Creative and chief designer. Here you can see his own website, By Jimbo! (yes, it’s a site created by Hailsham Creative, isn’t it gorgeous!?) with many examples of his branding and identity work.

Jim says:
There aren’t many Jimbos around so I adopted it for my business.
I can help you find a distinctive style – something that will stick – something that will have a shelf life.
It might have a story. It WILL have integrity.

If these are attributes that you also aspire to, we should chat. I think we could work together.

One of the great things about my job is finding out about you, your business and your story.
Branding of course doesn’t simply mean creating a logo. It means keeping that visual language consistent across every type of media you use and, through Hailsham Creative I can help with that.

So, if you are interested in talking to Jimbo about your branding, get in touch and you can meet up for a chat over a coffee.

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